Why Hello There, You Soulful, Powerful Awakener.

I Know How Hard it Can Be to Have an Intangible Message.

I’m Psalm 👋 and I’ve spent the last six years playing infield for some of the biggest spiritual names in the industry. 

As I worked with them, I noticed the same problem come up again and again… describing the intangible feels impossible sometimes!

I get it. For about twenty years, I struggled to describe what others couldn’t see, touch, taste or feel too.

I had a profound connection with the spirit world growing up. I could hear the angels sing me lullabies at night, sense people’s thoughts and feelings without words, and had profound, prophetic dreams.

When I told people about these experiences, the answer was often the same. “What are you talking about? I don’t understand. You sound crazy, Psalm.” 

As a sacred leader with a spiritual gift (I’m guessing this is you if you’re here now!) you can probably relate. 

After describing what you do, you might hear “Oh gosh, that sounds hippie dippie,” or “So you’re one of those woo-woo folks.” 

It can be enough to make you want to ball up your fists and wail “Nooo! Stop dismissing me!” Instead, you smile, shrug and force a laugh. We all do. 

My biggest breakthrough came when I discovered five steps that even woo-woo coaches and healers—who often have the hardest time describing what they do—can use to break the Intangibility Barrier and attract clients quickly.

I mean, I was tasked with figuring this out. When you’re writing content for Wayne Dyer, Lisa Nichols and Eckhart Tolle… you kind of want to do a good job

(Understatement of the century—these people were my HEROES! I wanted to blow their minds! 🤯)

Luckily, I was able to, and I became the “go to” copywriter for clients with “weird,” or “out there” offers that other copywriters turned away or couldn’t write for. 

Anyway, here I am and here you are, which is the result of all that hard work. So take a peek around!

Chances are, if you haven’t broken the six-figure barrier but are a helper, healer or coach who makes people’s lives better…

Not only can I help you, but you’re what I describe as my Ideal Client, a.k.a. the person I love working with the most… and am the best at helping. 

Want My Help Making Your Intangible Message Clear as Day So Your Clients Can’t Wait to Buy from You?

So, What is an Awakener—and Are You One

Here’s How I Like to Describe Her…

There is a movement of women rising on the planet right now who are doing work from service, and changing the face of what it means to be a woman in business completely. 

They operate from one singular law: Flow not force, radically challenging the status quo of masculine-driven success for the first time in a millennia. 

Living by the law of feminine business success, these women demonstrate that you do not have to sacrifice your life for your mission. You can have both in abundance. 

In fact, by harnessing your feminine energy, you can bend time—magnetizing what you need rapidly so that you only do what’s necessary now, and leave the rest to The Powers.

I call these women Awakeners

If you are one of them, I give you the clarity necessary to joyfully and profitably communicate your visionary gift.

If You’re an Awakener, You May Need Help Making Your Intangible Message Irresistible, Simple and Crystal Clear So That Clients Automatically Want to Buy from You.